AI Powered Video Platform

AI Powered Video Platform

AI Powered Video Platform

AI Powered Video Platform

Transform data & documents into interactive mind maps and TikTok-style explainer video nuggets, boosting user engagement.

Transform data & documents into interactive mind maps and TikTok-style explainer video nuggets, boosting user engagement.

Transform data & documents into interactive mind maps and TikTok-style explainer video nuggets, boosting user engagement.

Transform data & documents into interactive mind maps and TikTok-style explainer video nuggets, boosting user engagement.

Supercharge your communication & engagement with AI

Supercharge your communication & engagement with AI

A picture speaks a thousand words. And a video, a million!

In today’s fast-paced world, attention spans are shrinking, and short-form videos are dominating. Yet, businesses still struggle to cut through the noise and truly engage their teams and customers.

That’s where Veehive comes in - Transform lifeless data and dull documents into dynamic interactive mind maps and captivating, branded videos in just a few clicks. The result?

Better attention, stronger engagement, and users who actually care.

A picture speaks a thousand words. And a video, a million!

In today’s fast-paced world, attention spans are shrinking, and short-form videos are dominating. Yet, businesses still struggle to cut through the noise and truly engage their teams and customers.

That’s where Veehive comes in - Transform lifeless data and dull documents into dynamic interactive mind maps and captivating, branded videos in just a few clicks. The result?

Better attention, stronger engagement, and users who actually care.

Strategic partnerships

Step 1 -Analyze

AI powered knowledge extraction for your docs at scale. Summarize, organize & search your domain knowledge.

Drag & drop



Document chat

Step 1 -Analyze

AI powered knowledge extraction for your docs at scale. Summarize, organize & search your domain knowledge.

Drag & drop



Document chat

Step 1 -Analyze

AI powered knowledge extraction for your docs at scale. Summarize, organize & search your domain knowledge.

Drag & drop



Document chat

Step 1 -Analyze

AI powered knowledge extraction for your docs at scale. Summarize, organize & search your domain knowledge.

Drag & drop



Document chat

Step 2 - Create

Your AI powered video creation toolset - Generate short form, branded avatar based videos from & for anything.

Personalized avatars

Branding controls

Interactive videos

Video for anything

Step 2 - Create

Your AI powered video creation toolset - Generate short form, branded avatar based videos from & for anything.

Personalized avatars

Branding controls

Interactive videos

Video for anything

Step 2 - Create

Your AI powered video creation toolset - Generate short form, branded avatar based videos from & for anything.

Personalized avatars

Branding controls

Interactive videos

Video for anything

Step 2 - Create

Your AI powered video creation toolset - Generate short form, branded avatar based videos from & for anything.

Personalized avatars

Branding controls

Interactive videos

Video for anything

Your industrial grade, bare metal, on prem private AI

Your industrial grade, bare metal, on prem private AI

Designed for regulatory bodies, governments, banks, hospitals, and insurance companies, our branded machines come with preloaded, customisable LLMs to help you securely analyse complex documents. Summarise, create mind maps, and interact with documents—all while keeping your data private.

Enhanced data security

Plug and play setup

Open source flexibility

GTM in 90 days. Co-create & unlock new value with AI.

GTM in 90 days. Co-create & unlock new value with AI.

Veehive Labs is a pioneering applied AI company specializing in personalized byte sized video. We assist businesses in enhancing customer engagement, increasing sales, and delivering seamless experiences through dynamic, AI-driven video content, tailored to individual needs, integrated straight into your flagship mobile app and website as SDKs

Veehive Labs is a pioneering applied AI company specializing in personalized byte sized video. We assist businesses in enhancing customer engagement, increasing sales, and delivering seamless experiences through dynamic, AI-driven video content, tailored to individual needs, integrated straight into your flagship mobile app and website as SDKs

Get in touch

Get in touch

In5 Tech, Dubai Internet City, Dubai, UAE

In5 Tech, Dubai Internet City, Dubai, UAE

Copyright 2025 - Veehive FZ LLC

Copyright 2025 - Veehive FZ LLC